

القدس للالكترونياتDowntown, Amman
Downtown, Amman


Job Info


Job Requirements


فاحص اسلاك Network Cable / Telephone Line Tester Detector Tracker BNC RJ45 RJ11 TRACER

MS6813 is s held network cable tester, ideal for Coaxial Cable (BNC), UTP and STP Cable installation, measurement, maintenance or inspection. it also offers a fast and convenient way of testing telephone line modes greatly simplifies telephone line installation and maintenance

Send tone frenquency: 1.5kHz

Receive frequency: 100Hz~300kHz

Testing Coaxial Cable (BNC)

Twisted-wire-pair cables (RJ45): 10Base-T, T568A, T568B, Token Ring

Testing Cable's Shield Integrity

Judge Continuity of the Cables or Wires

Track the cables or wires, and diagnose the break Point

Receive the tone signal on the cables or wires(telephone line)

Identify the state in the working telephone line(clear, ringing, busy)

Send a Single Solid or a Dual Alternating Tone to the Target Cables or Wires

*الموقع : عمان / وسط البلد هاتف Apply to show phone number..07980824XX

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AD No: 259218321

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  • Be careful and make sure that the employer is reliable
  • Don't pay money to hire or train you
Downtown, Amman
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Member Since11-10-2017
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