
Application Developer -Amman

Application Developer
Application Developer -Amman
Ameer AlSayyedAbu Al-Sous, Amman
Abu Al-Sous, Amman

Application Developer -Amman

Job Info

Application Developer
10000 USD
Motorcycle , Private Passenger Vehicle

Job Requirements

Arabic , English
Computer skills

+962 2 1234567


+962 3 7654321

Apply to show phone number..+962 79 988 83XX

Apply to show phone number..009627998883XX

Apply to show phone number..+962 77 888 83XX

Apply to show phone number..009627788883XX

Apply to show phone number..+962 78 777 83XX

Apply to show phone number..009627877783XX

Apply to show phone number..07-998883XX

Apply to show phone number..07 9988 83XX

Apply to show phone number..+962-799-888-3XX

Ask Job Owner
AD No: 249839203

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General Tips:

  • Do not share confidential or personal data
  • Be careful and make sure that the employer is reliable
  • Don't pay money to hire or train you
Abu Al-Sous, Amman
Ameer AlSayyed
Ameer AlSayyed
Member Since27-06-2017
Replies Within 5 hours

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