
Social Media Specialist -Zarqa

Social Media Specialist
Social Media Specialist -Zarqa
Al Zawahra, Zarqa
Al Zawahra, Zarqa

Social Media Specialist -Zarqa

Job Info

Social Media Specialist
350 JOD

Job Requirements

Telephone conversationsWillingness to learnCommunicationInterpersonalComputer skillsFast LearnerAdaptabilityInternet SearchMS Word

انا صلاح الدين الطموني اجيد التعامل مع الناس واستطيع التعامل مع ضغط الشغل منظر لائق خلوق

Ask Job Owner
AD No: 247846127

General Tips

  • Do not share confidential or personal data
  • Be careful and make sure that the employer is reliable
  • Don't pay money to hire or train you
Al Zawahra, Zarqa
Member Since21-10-2021
Replies Within 13 hour

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