
Auto Electrician -Jordan Valley

Auto Electrician
Auto Electrician -Jordan Valley
حمزهOther, Jordan Valley

Job Info

Auto Electrician
450 JOD

Job Requirements

Training & DevelopmentMulti-taskingWillingness to learnProblem-solving

بشتغل كلشي بكهربا ولزينه مثل تضليل وبولش وتعديل اضويه وبلكهربا مثل سلف دينمو مواتير زجاج وسنتر وكلشي. وبفرط تابلوهات. ولراتب حسب الشغل عشان ما انضلم ولا اضلم

Ask Job Owner
AD No: 245627305

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General Tips:

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  • Be careful and make sure that the employer is reliable
  • Don't pay money to hire or train you
Other, Jordan Valley
Member Since23-09-2023
Replies Within 22 hour

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