
Social Media Specialist -Amman

Social Media Specialist
Social Media Specialist -Amman
Mohammad KhasawnehMarj El Hamam, Amman
Marj El Hamam, Amman

Social Media Specialist -Amman

Job Info

Social Media Specialist
450 JOD
Private Passenger Vehicle

Job Requirements

Arabic, English
AdaptabilityCreativeProblem-solvingDocuments AuditWillingness to learnEmail usage knowledgeComputer skillsMulti-taskingWorking with DatabasesCommunicationBusiness CorrespondenceStaff MotivationLeadershipContracts PreparationMS PowerpointTeamworkTelephone conversationsMS WordInterpersonalInternet SearchMS Excel

محب للعمل ولدي الرغبة الدائمة في تطوير الذات والوصول الى اعلى ما يمكنني وصوله.

متعاون مع روح الفريق ومتقبل لكافة الاراء المطروحة، امتلك القدرة على خلق الافكار الابداعية والحلول المبتكرة للمشاكل.

Ask Job Owner
AD No: 225423100

General Tips

  • Do not share confidential or personal data
  • Be careful and make sure that the employer is reliable
  • Don't pay money to hire or train you
Marj El Hamam, Amman
Mohammad Khasawneh
Mohammad Khasawneh
Member Since01-11-2016
Replies Within 19 hour

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