للبيع ارض في بوقوة...For sale land in Buquwah

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للبيع ارض في بوقوة

مساحة الارض 207.1 متر

على شارعين وزاويه

سعر القدم 38.623 دينار

السعر 86,100 الف دينار

التصنيف RHA

للتواصل وتساب : Click to show phone number.. 399939XX




For sale land in Buquwah

Land area 207.1 meters

On two streets and a corner

Price per foot 38,623 dinars

Price 86,100 thousand dinars

Classification RHA

For communication and WhatsApp: Click to show phone number.. 399939XX

Post ID: 258128773
86,100 BHD
General Tips
  1. Only meet in public places
  2. Never pay or transfer money in advance
  3. Inspect the product before you buy it

Post Owner

مسار المستقبل للعقارات

مسار المستقبل للعقارات

( 12 )
Member Since 29-01-2013
Replies Within few days


Northern Governorate - Bu Quwah

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