6 / 1
Northern GovernorateNeighborhood
North SehlaBedrooms
UnfurnishedRental period
YearlySurface Area
120 meter squareFloor
Ground FloorBuilding Age
6 - 9 yearsFacade
Real Estate for RentSubcategory
Apartments for Rent
للإيجار شقة كبيرة
في السهلة الشمالية
خلف معرض العوضي
وقريبة من هيئة تنظيم سوق العمل
تتكون من غرفتين كبار
وحمامين وصالة كبيرة
تقع في الطابق الثاني
المطلوب 180 دينار
بدون الكهرباء
Click to show phone number.. 399939XX عبدالفتاح حسن
For rent a large apartment
In North Sehla
Behind Al Awadhi Exhibition
And close to the Labor Market Regulatory Authority
It consists of two large rooms
And two bathrooms and a large hall
Located on the second floor
Required 180 dinars
Without electricity
Click to show phone number.. 399939XX
...Post ID: 257083431