Elite Apartments In The Heart Of The Diplomatic Area

Elite Apartments In The Heart Of The Diplomatic Area
Grand Residences Ammanعبدون, عمان
عبدون, عمان

Elite Apartments In The Heart Of The Diplomatic Area



متطلبات الوظيفة


Dear all,

Greetings from GRAND RESIDENCES!

Welcome to GRAND RESIDENCES where convenience meets luxury of living, in the heart of the diplomatic area in Amman with a design inspired by modern designers and built with the finest materials and workmanship.

We offer a wide selection of fully furnished apartments (approx. 110m2) with:2 bedrooms, 1 full bathroom, 1 guest bathroom, a fully equipped open kitchen with appliances ... which can surely meet your needs

We have had a great deal of succes

اسأل جهة التوظيف
اعلان رقم: 168063950

نصائح عامة

  • لا تشارك بيانات سرية أو شخصية
  • احذر وتأكد أن جهة التوظيف موثوقة
  • لا تقم بدفع المال لتوظيفك أو تدريبك
عبدون, عمان
Grand Residences Amman
Grand Residences Amman
عضو منذ 31-12-2015

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