normal window air conditioner for sale 1.5 ton if interested please contact

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window air conditioner is the simplest type of AC unit. It's a single unit with all of the parts and components contained inside one box or casing. This type of AC is usually mounted or installed in a window and plugs into a traditional electrical outlet.A window air conditioner is a cooling device designed to be installed in a window to cool a room or small area. It works by drawing in warm air from the room, cooling it using a refrigeration system, and then releasing the cool air back into the room. The warm air is vented outside through the window.this ac is in good condition. if anyone interested pls message in :إضغط ليظهر الرقم.. 321477XX

إعلان رقم: 260185507
50 دينار
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 Annwin antony

Annwin antony

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عضو منذ 04-03-2025
وقت التجاوب خلال 6 ساعات


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