offer for plywood

خدمة التوصيلقبل 15 ساعة
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I offer a variety of high-quality materials including MDF, Commercial Plywood, and Film Faced Plywood. Each of these products has been selected for their versatility and durability, making them ideal for various applications.

- *MDF (Medium Density Fiberboard):* Perfect for furniture making and cabinetry, MDF is easy to work with and provides a smooth surface for painting.

- *Commercial Plywood:* A reliable choice for construction and renovation projects, this plywood is strong and can handle heavy loads.

- *Film Faced Plywood:* Ideal for concrete formwork, this plywood is waterproof and durable, ensuring a seamless finish.

If you're interested in discussing these products further or need any specific information, please feel free to reach out. I would be happy to help!

Best regards,


إضغط ليظهر الرقم.. +973322953XX

إعلان رقم: 255475061
5.9 دينار
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عضو منذ 02-03-2024
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