AYANEO 2S Handheld Console retro power Edition

خدمة التوصيلقبل 22 ساعة
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This device is one of the best handheld gaming devices at this time He can run most of the games and retro game and old game with CPU AMD Ryzen"TM 7 7840U, Ram 32GB, Storage SSD 2TB

* Screen Size 7" IPS no bezel screen

* Screen Specification 1920*1200 丨500nits 丨130% Srgb

* Appearance design 360 360°Without exposed screws

* AMD Ryzen TM7 7840U

* Memory 32GB

* Storage SSD 2TB

* Connectivity WiFi 6E / BT 5.2

* Battery 50.25Wh (13050mAh)

* Windows 11 64 bit Home Edition

* Full function USB4 Type-C *2

* USB 3.2 Type-C *1 (data transfer only)

* 3.5mm headphone jack*1

* UHS-II microSD card slot*1

* hree copper tubes + copper sheet + graphene heat sink +

* 35W turbo fan

* Fingerprint recognition

* With screen protector and With the box and all its contentsIn and very very clean and good condition


[ Used condittion ]

إعلان رقم: 254527195
350 دينار
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  2. لا تقم بإرسال المال مسبقاً.
  3. قم بتفقد المنتج جيداً قبل شرائه.

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عضو منذ 12-11-2024


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