Home/Office Cleaning Services

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We, VELLETE CLEANING SERVICES, are happy to connect with your humble office, as we would like to provide sustainable and cost-effective cleaning services at your locations. We provide different types of cleaning services and provide professional support in daily operational activity in your dynamic organization.

Our goal is to partner with your organization, with the least amount of hassle and at a reliable and budget-friendly cost. We would be pleased with your interest if you return the sp

إعلان رقم: 245902383
2 دينار
نصائح عامة
  1. اجتمع في الأماكن العامة فقط.
  2. لا تقم بإرسال المال مسبقاً.
  3. قم بتفقد المنتج جيداً قبل شرائه.

صاحب الإعلان

 Velette Ortega

Velette Ortega

( 0 )
عضو منذ 01-10-2023
وقت التجاوب خلال يوم



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