Modern LED Desk Lamp – Elegantly Designed, Gently Used

تمييز الإعلانإعادة نشر الإعلان
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Light up your workspace with this sleek and modern LED desk lamp. With its unique dual-ring design and a polished chrome finish, it's not just a lamp but a statement piece that complements any desk or nightstand.

Key Features:

-Innovative dual-ring design that provides ample light

-Adjustable brightness to suit your mood or task

-Energy-efficient LED lighting that saves on your electric bill

-Touch-sensitive power and dimmer switch for ease of use

-Durable construction with a stylish chrome fin

إعلان رقم: 240702763
6 دينار
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صاحب الإعلان

Bayram Ali BALCI

Bayram Ali BALCI

( 0 )
عضو منذ 20-03-2024
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